Vanessa and Dave are DC area residents now, but way back when they first met they were living in the heart of Baltimore. When we were bouncing ideas around for their engagement session, the Baltimore Farmer’s Market came up, and we thought it would be perfect! It would give them something to do and who doesn’t love an excuse to go shopping. And I can’t forget the breakfast falafel’s:). I’m so glad I was able to be their Baltimore Farmers Market engagement photographer!
Vanessa and Dave will be getting married this summer at the Bolger Center.
Having an engagement session at the butt-crack of dawn has its advantages. You get the streets of Baltimore to yourself. Normally this little park would be filled with city dwellers enjoying some green space. Instead, we had free reign with desolate streets. A photographers dream!
Parking garage fun:)
Falafel time! Dave could barely contain his excitement much less wait for Vanessa to get hers before digging in. 🙂
One Response
Such beautiful and captivating pictures. Lovely couple.